Monday, December 22, 2008

What it's all about

When I was a boy, we lived across the street from a graveyard. I loved to read the stories on the grave stones…the older the better. When I was older, I used to take my friends to the Old North Bridge and read the Minuteman statue. I used to make believe that I was one of the Minutemen. I even have a picture of me making believe that I was shooting from behind the wooden fence.

Proverb 22:28 says “Do not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set”. Not only should we not remove or destroy them, we are not to forget them! Rosie Slater and Verna Hall, who authored a three volume set on the Providential History of America said that unless we understand where we’ve been as a nation, how will we understand where we need to go. God’s providential hand in history helps us to connect events in history as a contiguous story superintended by God Himself! How do we know where to go if we don’t know where we’ve been?

In this blog, The Rocks Cry Out, I would like to briefly talk about the men and women who gave their ‘lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor” for us to enjoy the liberties we have today and what motivated them to sacrifice their lives for us.

These men and women thought of their posterity. George Washington didn’t have children of his own, so he sacrificed for his spiritual posterity, us…hence the father of our country! On the day that Washington journeyed to New York to accept his position as the first president of the United States, an arch across the Assunpink River, where he was encamped after the decisive Battle of Trenton and before the Battle of Princeton, was decorated with these words:
“The Hero who defended the mothers,
will also protect the daughters

Three Huzzah’s for our first Commander-In-Chief.

George Washington left us a legacy of liberty and “defended” our freedoms. Let’s listen to the words that are inscribed on stones, plaques and signs and hear what they are saying to us today!

For His honor and glory!

Mark Thomas

P.S. This site is dedicated to my wife Monica who has always encouraged me in my vision for life, my daughter Melanie who has designed this blog site and to Wendy Flynn who enjoys reading placards as much as I do.

Also, thanks to Brian Fournier for the name of this site and Josh Lueken and Nate Eckerson for helping with the design formatting.


Benjamin E. said...

Hi Mr. Thomas,
Ever since Michael told me about this blog, I've been checking it periodically for your christening post. And now here it is!

I've subscribed to this blog so I'll try to check back whenever you post some new content. I'm looking forward to it!

God bless,

A Son of Liberty said...

Hi Ben,

You'll go down in history as the blog's first commenter.

Actually the blog is still under construction. We're still working on the blog design and we need to work on the Trenton video that we just shot last weekend. Hopefully we'll have some stills, comments and a short video soon. Doing short videos is much different than preaching.

Thanks for the comment!

In Him,

Nate E said...

Looks worth reading. And watching.

Unknown said...

Great stuff! I look forward to reading more and learning more...